It’s Crowded in Here!

Keynotes & Workshops

Providing a unique take on leadership development that helps attendees filter through the barrage of pith and cliché as they establish anchor habits and mindsets that will serve as foundations for the developmental building project we call “life”.

There is absolutely no shortage of leadership development material in the marketplace. It is absolutely flooded.

Even so, the demand for quality speakers and content continues to climb!

The challenge for any organization’s speaker coordinator is pretty straightforward: How do I find the proverbial needle in the haystack?

Motivation is cool, and fun, but it’s never enough. It doesn’t last. The well runs dry quickly. We can’t rely on the mood of the day.

Skills and strategies are great – and, oh boy, do we need them! But we have all seen perfectly sound, effective skills and strategies grow stale before their time.

Our goal at The H3 Leader is to

  1. recognize this reality, and

  2. shore up our foundations in leadership to a level of strength that resists the incessant tide that seeks to take us back into the status quo.

The goal is to find an engaging speaker that will provide strategic keys that promise to unlock the potential of our team and help them to move forward – by leaps and bounds if possible!

Pushing Through the Storm

Imagine, you see the image of a leader facing an incredible headwind along the seashore. Wind and rain are buffeting, they are actively leaning into the onslaught, and it takes every ounce of their strength to just stand there.

Then, in the face of this great storm, they take one step forward. And then another.

They halt. They breathe. They gather their strength.

But… they don’t allow the power and persistence of the storm to push them backward.

Every move, every conscious effort, is a move forward.

This is the mind-set – and the heart-set – of The H3 Leader.

  1. We dig into the depths of character, persistence, fortitude, and conviction.

  2. We introduce “The Four Cells of Meaning” and the practical imperative of healthy self-care.

  3. We explore the current limits of our potential and build a mental landscape of “ever-expanding horizons”.

  4. We discuss our responsibility to ourselves, our families, to others, and to the organization we serve.

  5. We establish anchor mind-sets, and heart-sets, that are often overlooked in the plethora of leadership content available at our fingertips on the internets.

From a content perspective…

This is what I speak about in my Keynote and what we unpack in-depth in our “Foundations” Workshop.

Reach New Heights

Motivation, skills, and abilities all have a part to play in our leadership development journey.

But there are a few anchor points that are deeper and more significant.

They are foundational to our overall approach to leadership.

Get these right, and there is no stopping you, or your organization, for reaching the absolute heights of your potential.

Let me know when you’re ready to learn more…

Paul T.

“Ken brought The H3 Leader: Foundations workshop to our leadership team in a series of four sessions.  His presentations were well received and the topic of many follow up conversations.  Ken knows how to integrate personal development with leadership and how to inspire a team to grow together.”

Brandon M.

“Loved the open-ended discussions. Receiving knowledge and insight is good, but engaging in discussion around those ideas in the moment is truly beneficial. ”