A Message Re: Grit & Teamwork

June 10, 2023 - one month ago today - our #Spartan309 team embarked on what we all agreed was the most difficult physical challenge of our lives...

The Spartan Beast - leg 1 of our Spartan Trifecta season

- 13.1 mile (or so - these are Spartan Race miles) OCR course
- located on ski slopes near Lawrenceburg, IN (hills, my friend...hills)
- I completed 28 of 35 obstacles, running penalty laps (even more distance) for the ones my arms couldn't handle
- to the person, we agreed on the most difficult obstacle of them all, and every one of us completed it (there were sandbags strewn left and right where many others had caved)
- 7.5 hours - my time for a half-marathon OCR - in the heat of the June sun - on a mountainside just outside Cincinnati, OH
- oh, and I forgot my Honey Stingers in my locker; I had no sustenance on the course beyond the sparse water stations they provided
- assuming I traversed 15 miles (penalties included), that equates to a 30-minute mile pace; according to one study, the average walking pace for my age group is a 21:40 mile, if that's any indication of the challenge
- I finished with a smile on my face


I enjoyed getting to know each of our team members over the 12 van-hours of travel, meals, pit-stops, and pre-race (once the race started, they agreed to take the lead, and I agreed to run sweeper 😉). Nathan Rychener, Jon Rycheneer, Josh Waite, & Logan Pflederer were all amazing and encouraging to be with! But two deserve special mention here...

At the 7.5 hour mark, a full 2 HOURS after my closest teammate did the same, I mounted atop the final climbing obstacle. I could see the finish line. Sitting for just a moment to catch my breath I hear, "WAY TO GO, KEN!"

There are thousands of people running this course and plenty to do on the grounds while waiting, but Josh had kept an eye out for me. And there he was, giving me encouragement as I crossed the finish line. Wow.

After gathering my medal and a few urgent rations, I looked for the rest of the team - with no expectation of seeing one of them in particular. Logan and his lovely wife were heading on a family vaca after the race and had a 12-hour drive ahead of them. He finished 3+ hours before me, and I fully expected them to be outta there.

But, they weren't. He and Abby were standing there waiting to give me a high-five and congratulate me on my finish. I asked him why they hadn't taken off yet, and his quick reply was, "Because we're a team!"


It took me almost a full month to recover. Today I began my training for Trifecta legs 2 and 3 coming later this year.

If you are in my circle, interested in challenging your grit, and looking for a unique team-building experience, HMU. I just may do this thing again in 2024, and I'd love to do it with others willing to test the limits of their mental and physical toughness!



Am I Just Crazy?