Am I Just Crazy?

In approximately 24 hours, I will be knee-deep in the most challenging physical and mental endeavor of my adult life. As such, the experience will naturally bleed into my emotional and spiritual spheres as well.

This is the nature of our human BE-ing. We are fully integrated. Significant impact in any one area can't help but impact another.

Should I survive, I hope to have stories on the other side. 😉

Today, on this side of the challenge, is a reminder that:
- we are human BE-ings
- we are integrated across all four cells of meaning and purpose
- taking care of one cell helps take care of all
- neglecting one cell contributes to the neglect of all

Or as the sage once noted, "How we do one thing is how we do all things."

And in the grand scheme of it all, may we seek to be a different person tomorrow than we are today by pushing against the tide that wants to keep us in the status quo of yesterday's news.

Love y'all! Hope to see you on the other side...

(original post)


A Message Re: Grit & Teamwork


What’s Your Motivation?