How’s it Going? It depends…

Remember the "Amplify" bullet from a couple days ago? Well, here ya' go.

These suggestions are GOLD for many reasons, but there is one reason that stands head-and-shoulders above the rest...

First, a quick personal note.

I have a very hard time answering simple questions like, "How's it going?" or "How are you?"

On the one hand, life has hardly been better! I feel great. I'm learning and growing across the spectrum of my "cells of meaning". I am fully engaged.

From that perspective, Saul Good, Man!

But on the other hand, change/learning is hard. As I noted in a previous post, its very nature is a form of internal chaos. It is an intentional and constant stirring of the status quo within our being.

I am thankful for the Peace that supersedes the chaos, but the chaos is still there at one level or another. Every day.

This, I believe, leads us to the primary reason this carousel post is so powerful.

Because 90+% of others won't do it. Maybe even 99+%.

The general populace loves comfort, not chaos. And they pursue it with a passion.

If you and I are willing to wrestle with the chaos, learn, grow, and eventually execute - virtually every day of our lives - the internal and external reward will be inevitable.

Truth be told, even personal / professional / spiritual /mental / emotional / physique growth is a numbers game.

Enjoy the attached post. It's powerful.

Or better yet...

Do something with it.

Blessings to you all!

(Be sure to check out the original post on LinkedIn for the carousel slide details!)


A Growing Kingdom Purpose


Three Trends; I Choose One